
placeholderThe children are taught from the first day they enter St Mark’s School about the importance of social behaviour. Throughout their time at school there continues to be an emphasis on the positive side of good behaviour, teaching children to consider the feelings of those around them, promoting positive self-esteem, self-motivation, self-discipline and growing children into responsible adults, who will contribute to the wider community. On entry to the school a junior child is partnered up with a senior pupil who acts as their church partner and who will look out for them in the playground, offering assistance where they can.

The School Parents’ Association, as well as providing social activities for parents, also works very hard at providing opportunities for students to socialize outside of the classroom by organizing events such as family picnics, movie outings and student discos.

There are two school leaders appointed each year who represent the students and the school at various occasions. All students have a voice in the school through class councillor’s who collectively meet on regular occasions to discuss issues raised in the class by the students.